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September 29, 2008

O_O Y am i still so sleepy... Sleep early liao then woke up early too~ Like as if I am not sleeping, like I just toss & turn the whole nite.

Hmm...I dun feel like staying at home... cause bro at home and I having headache.... Stoopid man...y do I have my com in the living room, no privacy and... he keep playing songs loud in the room, wanna slp inside oso cant.

Must prepare resume and buy clothes le...

-____- Miss other gurls...? Still got which gurl for mi to miss wor?? No one would wan mi to miss them ba

Been so long I have my darling.... Today, I mean tonite, I can finally spend my time with my darling siew mai le.... enjoy them slowly...

Blogged @ 5:14 PM
Don't let me go -

September 28, 2008


Another ktv outing... Alan last minutes cannot make it. So got Aden and KC pei mi onli. Well, was tire when I woke up,

The ktv alot of ppl go, even Belle and Jayce ard wor. But seperated into four rooms la. Not really tat enjoy myself today.. But it was fun.

Blogged @ 11:56 PM
Don't let me go -

Mao~mao~ Nowadays online game so many can get married 1.. -___- so nice...

Blogged @ 9:56 AM
Don't let me go -

September 27, 2008


Finally, presentation end le, FYP end le also. Need to find job le, need to make wat pot folio?? -___- my english sure die 1...

Slpy... but afternoon gg to celebrate Alan birthday... Met up with some of them in PS... then ate dinner. Nth much but just update one another what they've been doing.

There are some minor things in my personal life thats been changing again... maybe for the better ba., I hope so...

Today, after dinner, went walk walk with Alan, Aden, KC & Jing Yao. Walao... saw Eddy... lol... like Gem say de... tml he going too wor..

-_- Aden ask mi a question during dinner, ask mi about jap song.. O_O erh..er...erm...i very long time keep track liao arh...due to.......................

Blogged @ 11:00 PM
Don't let me go -

September 26, 2008

-___- wah liew... too stress go and sing at home... later i kana sore throat then die le... Better guai guai rest at home study..

Great... i fever i dunno, now not eating dinner lie on bed...

Blogged @ 4:25 PM
Don't let me go -

Dunno if you will c this blog ma... but i post the song here.. Fast song i dunno this consider fast ma...

Hamsters left last 1 le... That day saw it dying... -__________- its sad to c it dying..

Tml prepare for the worse ba..

陈慧琳 - 三秒钟

昔日之芳草 原来只是萧艾
现在我只要 你明白... 明白
请你收拾你的虚伪笑脸 消失在我眼前
我只给你叁秒钟的时间 消失在我面前
别再说我们之间 曾说过走到永远
你亲手毁了一切 没什么得留恋

Blogged @ 10:14 AM
Don't let me go -

September 25, 2008

Hi Blog,
from yesterday slpt till now, was really tiring, so long never get a gd nite slp till now ba. Yesterday tot meeting in sch then again nvm. There are bits and pieces left undone... well hope Saturday will be fine.

O_O how can i make u smile rather then make u sad & angry...

Mao~ Mao~ This song how to sing.... Finally got a full version to listen le.





Blogged @ 6:55 PM
Don't let me go -

September 24, 2008

What am I doing? What am I thinking...? -____- Haiz~ Is it only me....

Back very very pain~ Must lie on bed and row~~~

I beginning to run away from all sorts of things.. Wat am I running from? No wonder getting tire & tire... cause run too much.

Blogged @ 11:42 AM
Don't let me go -

September 23, 2008

Today play with Gem in Maple... till 4am+ Then went to slp le.

Went to school this afternoon, so many ppl in school.. Well, met Jie Hua & Siew Fai in school. Jie Hua so bz doing project. Ok. cant talk to him much.

Well, today meeting, Regine the only one not around although she is the one who suggested, but... human oso can forget things 1 ba..

Manage to request for a room for us to record our voice recording.

Blogged @ 10:26 PM
Don't let me go -

September 22, 2008

Another day for ktv... Woke up at 9am, i c the time,wth, y am i waking up so early...sian, cant go back to slp le

Tot was going alone to ktv, in the end Gem oso going, then i go Bedok fetch her.. Then reach Orchard mrt, saw alpha and his friends.., they waiting for one more of their friend. So we went ahead.

At ktv, today got many ppl, so slipt into 3 rooms.... but then....ok la, become 4 rooms le, Gem & mi 1 room, should haf drag other ppl come de. Anyway... sing till we drop ba....very very tiring.. i felt abit bad cause i did small matter to make her say mi >_< Sry, accidental.. Try to practice other songs, then listen to different songs from any other normal ktv outing de... cause every week go there sing the same thing quite sian 1. Many old songs... so long nvr hear le..

Then then got Alpha & Alex come into the room. Today, didnt write diary at all... Dunno wat tis feeling inside mi... maybe it is just mi..

Then dinner at Wisma... Zhi Jia around for dinner and so is Amelia. They talk alot and then crack many jokes....we all haf laugher and fun. After dinner, went home, all went seperate ways. I insist on accompany her home, cause worried for her safely..nothing is more impt than the one u luv..

wan to look at her, share her problems...

To be continue...

Blogged @ 12:04 AM
Don't let me go -

September 21, 2008

New update... Sunday le, thinking whether to go or not..

Worry for her...cant do anything, but pray ba..
dunno got mood to go ma..

*结婚过后, 当个小男人, 钱才给老婆管。 XD Can be predicted.... unless i got into somemore changes.. HAHAHAhahahahaha............... hahaha.......haha..................ha...ha......ha..........................

Blogged @ 2:30 AM
Don't let me go -

September 20, 2008

Hmm... Today, worried about her safety cause morning was on the phone with her... Cause got some guy outside her house around 3 am.

Today, a testing presentation, as expected, not gg well at all cause nvr prepare. Have to try harder for the real 1, cause i still not able to make speech. Times, i need to grow up le, to be able to face the working world.. and to..


Blogged @ 6:15 PM
Don't let me go -

September 17, 2008


Wanna say something out.. scare this & that.. maybe say out le, whats the difference hor.. -___-

Cheer up abit...

Blogged @ 1:36 PM
Don't let me go -

September 15, 2008

Just woke up, something is missing now... i am worried..

歌手:张韶涵 专辑:梦里花

歌词:张韶涵 - 样子
51lrc.com ★ william王子 制作
感觉自己变了 变变变
变得找不到 我很烦恼
我不知道 我不知道
感觉自己变了 变变变
变得找不到 我很烦恼
住在心里 却那么的真实
爱情让人疯了 让人迷失
或许我为了自己的样子 Ac

Took this long to put this into this blog, should have go find a link and link it to my blog le.. Hehe. She say my english not gd, i know... trying to learn proper 1.. Feel like biting her that day... zzzz wat am i trying to do...

Blogged @ 12:18 AM
Don't let me go -

September 14, 2008

Ytd went ktv.. I know i am stupid & naive... changes takes time... I like her more & more, silly huh... haha. -__- not funny Hmm...

From now on, got the song i like, i post on blog, blog u can pick those songs... Then i try to link to u...

歌手:彭佳慧 专辑:美声荣耀


Blogged @ 2:25 PM
Don't let me go -

September 13, 2008

lalala.. woke up feeling very very cold... Go for meeting... 2 ppl late, i know la, cause i nvr say meeting for wat, go also no use right.

Came home feel so slpy, got fever. Tml got ktv, now 12am ok la, today afternoon got ktv. Ytd listen to a song then now keep playing on my mp3 & head. Omg, i can listen it repeatly. Dunno y this song so nice so touching, if got couple sing, sure nice 1 wor...

Got another old song remix, extra cool. Yes.. both shouting 1, even more shiok.

Love or like....

Blogged @ 12:40 AM
Don't let me go -

September 12, 2008


Goonzu down... so at home nth to do le... got lor tv. Tis week ktv on Saturday wor...Today afternoon need to go sch to meet them.. Hope everything works well, i know i always sux at tis.. -__-

Blogged @ 2:26 AM
Don't let me go -

September 11, 2008

歌手:神木与瞳 专辑:为你而活

神木与瞳 - 为你而活

www.51lrc.com ★ 卜超 制作

看生命 像阵风 包不住的痛 所以紧握双手
抬起头 那流星般的笑容 只不过 坠落在心中

天空会裂缝 我肩头 添上的爱那麼久 就不怕 滂沱
用眼泪庆贺 跨过了 坚信这一扇门后 真的有 天国

為了你而活 為了你而梦 為了爱我会撑到最后
当世界都乌有 守著你的人是我
為了你而活 為了你而梦 伤痕再深心无法划破
跟命运在逆流 就算错了 也不退后

不闪躲 在这荆棘遍佈中 那伤口 会开出花朵
天空会裂缝 我肩头 添上的爱那麼重 就不怕 滂沱
用眼泪庆贺 跨过了 坚信这一扇门后 真的有 天国

為了你而活 為了你而梦 為了爱我会撑到最后
当世界都乌有 守著你的人是我
為了你而活 為了你而梦 伤痕再深心无法划破
跟命运在逆流 就算错了 也不退后

為了你而活 為了你而梦 為了爱我会撑到最后
当世界都乌有 守著你的人是我
為了你而活 為了你而梦 伤痕再深心无法划破
跟命运在逆流 就算错了 也不退后

woo... cant wait to check out tis song at ktv... Woot.. another powerful song ... But tis 1 is duet.. O_O hmm... must find another person..... o_O hehe

Sian...wat did i do wrong? she angry or wat now...?

Blogged @ 1:53 PM
Don't let me go -

September 9, 2008

O_O saw Gem ligin game ard morning 4-5 am... lol.. she always wake up that early?

Afternoon did a meeting on msn, need to do some finally stuff for fyp.. Then went to bed.. cause tired myself. my eyes ...

Haiz...lalalala.. The following words are not for ur eyes... X_X just joking

How i wish i could hold her... look at her......

Sian.. wat am i thinking...? stupid brain..

Blogged @ 7:58 PM
Don't let me go -

September 8, 2008

Haiz.. 6pm.. found out 1 of my hamster died.. O_O haiz... two more.. One of them also getting old..

Blogged @ 6:19 PM
Don't let me go -

September 6, 2008

Awww..... Slept at 8 pm then woke up at 10 pm... Wah... pain and hot.... I study coding for 2 days, yes wholes day. So sooooo tired... keep fixing bugs. Still cant finish, maybe i too dumb to think. XD

Yeah, ke lian ma, but no one to comfort mi...Nvm. I pat myself on my head...Jia You.. Hehe

Blogged @ 10:24 PM
Don't let me go -

September 5, 2008

歌手:Michael Learns To Rock 专辑:Michael Learns To Rock
(Music:Jacky Zhang/Words: Jascha Richter)
Hiding from the rain and snow
Trying to forget but I won't let go
Looking at a crowded street
Listening to my own heart beat

So many people all around the world
Tell me where do I find someone like you girl


Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true
They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart
Standing on a mountain high
Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky
I should go and see some friends
But they don't really comprehend
Don't need too much talking without saying anything
All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing

Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true

They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart

Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart
Erk.. very very cold..shiver..lol haha. Bleah.. Start coding liao...so sian.. i wanna go out ~ if onli got ppl wan to hang out..

Bite bite bite... Arh.. hungry... dun wanna skip lunch liao, must go find sth to eat.

So sad... ktv no tis song... cause i wanna sing to her -_- hehehaha... lame-o

My heart just wanna luv someone... if there is.. feel like gg to ktv.... dunno wan to go again ma..

Blogged @ 11:51 AM
Don't let me go -

September 4, 2008

After meeting supervisor, discuss what to do then went home.

Erh..... today very very hungry.... no ooooooo siew mai le la, mum say no offer so didnt buy ... -___- my life gone liao.... Eat maggie.... with some nuggets. In the end, still hungry, doing documentation, they growling..

I dunno.. i dunno... call mi stupid and dumb...

Heart shatter... didnt piece it up, yet, still wanna smash them into smaller pieces..

Blogged @ 11:57 PM
Don't let me go -

O_O Another day, so cold... the weather... keep raining... bed becoming cooling... *roll roll roll on the bed... so nice to roll wor.

Start to worry about my FYP now... and another thing.. These few days dun feel like doing anything... wanna calm my mind.

Blogged @ 12:33 AM
Don't let me go -

September 2, 2008

-___- blog u sad arh.... y keep giving mi problem... I already give u a chat box to pei u liao arh... Pls work well again.

Tot can ask people out to movie tml, well...

Anyway..those two havent reply mi about the documentation that thwy are doing... zz. Wonder how le..

Blogged @ 5:38 PM
Don't let me go -

1st Sept, got a sms from Gem,... then she call mi... chat about Goonzu... then I call her back... in the end, i play back my acc.
We talk till about 7pm ba, i dunno how long, but i was hungry XD. Well, was hungry cause got to eat dinner. Then after that transfer things abit then log off le. Then i went to bed le ard 10+ pm cause headache, cause -__- think too much. Haha. Ok so now i woke up and it is 2 am... walao, torture mi..sian..again leh, ..

Anyway, talk on the phone with Gem, is different from the other times ba... well at least i am still myself.. XD. and dunno y, i can speakmore louder...haha -___- *Tis face is so cute...

Okok... i try to get some slp again, later i faint then jialat.. Anyway, was thinking, pray everything when well for this coming thursday...

Blogged @ 5:01 PM
Don't let me go -

Woke up, my brain is heavy, dunno y suddenly have tis feeling to see a person. -___- LOL then dream of the person la... DUMB. -__- lol, force the dream out is call imagine.. Stupid.. Hehe. Today maybe just lie on bed whole day... cause i really had no choice ... my brain full of (u know wat) XD If Alan know, sure scold mi, same with other friends...

Blogged @ 4:00 AM
Don't let me go -